New and improved: Space-Efficient Manifest Contracts

I have a new and much improved draft of my work on Space-Efficient Manifest Contracts. Here’s the abstract:

The standard algorithm for higher-order contract checking can lead to unbounded space consumption and can destroy tail recursion, altering a program’s asymptotic space complexity. While space efficiency for gradual types—contracts mediating untyped and typed code—is well studied, sound space efficiency for manifest contracts—contracts that check stronger properties than simple types, e.g., “is a natural” instead of “is an integer”—remains an open problem.

We show how to achieve sound space efficiency for manifest contracts with strong predicate contracts. We define a framework for space efficiency, traversing the design space with three different space-efficient manifest calculi. Along the way, we examine the diverse correctness criteria for contract semantics; we conclude with a language whose contracts enjoy (galactically) bounded, sound space consumption—they are observationally equivalent to the standard, space-inefficient semantics.

Update: it was accepted to POPL’15!

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